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Follow these steps to delete your Liquid Metal Cluster and Platform.

Step by step cleanup


The "step by step cleanup" is useful if you still want to re-use the environment.

If you don't care about or intend to keep any part of the local and remote infrastructure, you can follow the "Just destroy everything" section below.

  1. Delete the cluster using kubectl and the cluster name:

    kubectl delete cluster $CLUSTER_NAME

    Do NOT delete a CAPI-created workload cluster with kubectl delete -f cluster.yaml.

    This may take a moment as the CAPMVM controller reconciles all the MicroVMs.

    Output: "lm-demo" deleted
  2. Delete the management cluster.

    kind delete cluster --name lm-management
  3. Tear down the Equinix infrastructure.

    terraform destroy

    Sometimes this destroy will attempt to delete some networking attributes before the associated devices are removed, and the command will error. Simply re-run the command to kill any remaining resources.

Just destroy everything

  1. Delete the management cluster.

    kind delete cluster --name lm-management
  2. Tear down the Equinix infrastructure.

    terraform destroy

    Sometimes this destroy will attempt to delete some networking attributes before the associated devices are removed, and the command will error. Simply re-run the command to kill any remaining resources.