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Service Authentication

Secure Liquid Metal platform communications with mTLS and Basic Auth.

Basic Auth

Flintlock server configuration

To configure flintlockd with basic auth, provision the device with the following:

cat <<EOF >flint-cfg.yaml
insecure: false
basic-auth-token: TOKEN

./ all \ # or ./ flintlock
-f flint-cfg.yaml
# other flags

If you inspect the service logs (systemctl status flintlockd), you should see the following line:

level=info msg="basic authentication is enabled"

CAPMVM client configuration

Before you create your CAPMVM cluster, create a secret containing a mapping for each host and encoded token:

cat <<EOF >secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: mybasicsecret
namespace: default
type: Opaque
data: Zm9v # foo YmFy # bar

When you have generated your CAPMVM cluster manifest, edit the file to contain the following reference to the secret:

kind: MicrovmCluster
basicAuthSecret: mybasicsecret

Apply both to your management cluster:

kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml


Flintlock server configuration

To configure flintlockd with mTLS, provision the device with the following:

cat <<EOF >flint-cfg.yaml
insecure: false
tls-cert: <path to host pem>
tls-key: <path to host key>
tls-client-ca: <path to ca pem>
tls-client-validate: true

./ all \ # or ./ flintlock
-f flint-cfg.yaml
# other flags

If you inspect the service logs (systemctl status flintlockd), you should see the following line:

level=info msg="TLS is enabled"

CAPMVM client configuration

Before you create your CAPMVM cluster, create an Opaque secret the client and CA keys:

kubectl create secret generic mytlssecret \
--from-file=tls.crt=<path to client pem> \
--from-file=tls.key=<path to client key> \
--from-file=ca.crt=<path to ca pem>

When you have generated your CAPMVM cluster manifest, edit the file to contain the following reference to the secret:

kind: MicrovmCluster
tlsSecretRef: mytlssecret