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Developer Support

If at any point you get stuck, need help, or just want to chat through some ideas, please reach out to the team or the community.

  • To get more detail on the issue you have chosen, it is a good idea to start by asking whoever created it to provide more information. If they do not respond, or more help is needed, you can then bring in one of the team.

  • If you are struggling with something while working on your PR, or aren't quite sure of your approach, you can open a draft (prefix the title with WIP: ) and explain what you are thinking. You can also tag in one of the core team, or drop the PR link into slack.

  • We are happy to pair with contributors over a slack call to help them fine-tune their implementation. You can ping us directly, or head to the slack channel to see if anyone in the community is up for being a buddy 🍐 .