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Using the service

We recommend using one of the following tools to send requests to the Flintlock server. There are GUI and CLI options.


hammertime is a simple tool which gives a nice wrapper around what is essentially a curl. Use this if you need no bells and whistles and would rather manipulate your own json.


hammertime create -a -n my-microvm -ns my-namespace

hammertime get -a -i <UUID>

hammertime create -a -f spec.json

hammertime delete -a --all


fl aims to provide a fuller user experience, with formatted output and some extra features for handling your MicroVMs.


coming soon...


For the most bare-bones experience, use grpcurl and the ./hack/scripts/ script.


To create a MicroVM:

./hack/scripts/ \
--method CreateMicroVM


BloomRPC is a GUI tool to test gRPC endpoints.


To import Flintlock protos into the Bloom GUI:

  1. Click Import Paths on the left-hand menu bar and add <absolute-repo-path>/api to the list
  2. Click the import + button and select flintlock/api/services/microvm/v1alpha1/microvms.proto

All available endpoints will be visible in a nice tree view.


To create a MircoVM, select the CreateMicroVM endpoint in the left-hand menu. Replace the sample request JSON in the left editor panel with this example. Click the green > in the centre of the screen. The response should come immediately.

In the terminal where you started the Flintlock server, you should see in the logs that the MircoVM has started.

To delete the MircoVM, select the DeleteMicroVM endpoint in the left-hand menu. Replace the sample request JSON in the left editor panel with this example. Take care to ensure the values match those of the MicroVM you created earlier. Click the green > in the centre of the screen. The response should come immediately.

Note: there are example payloads for other endpoints, but not all are implemented at present.